A Church that goes forth: mission as service. A strong commitment to the promotion of human life and dignity We raise awareness, in parishes and other communities, about the calling we have all received towards missionary discipleship as concrete works of service or diaconia. Our communities are to become more open to the peripheries and to vulnerable persons so that there is a common effort in promoting human life and human dignity in the light of the Gospel. (One Church One Journey)

The project will hold at heart the values promoted by gospel and indeed those promoted by the four pillars of the social teachings of the church namely:
Human Dignity: created after the image and likeness of God, every human has an intrinsic dignity that should be respected in and by society.
Common Good: the flourishing of the human family should be the aim of our actions in society.
Subsidiarity: create the freedom for people and communities to contribute to the flourishing of the human family.
Solidarity: share our means with those who suffer from poverty, oppression, and lack of freedom.
LOOP is a social enterprise. Part of the Fondazzjoni għall-Opri Soċjali fl-Arċidjoċesi ta Malta (FOSAM) VO1415. It is an initiative of the co-ordination of diaconia efforts in the 70 parishes of the Archdiocese of Malta brought together by the Vigarjat Djakonija and represented by the Kummissjoni Djocesana Djakonija.
It is an operation built on the principles such as subsidiarity and solidarity and with the gospel values at the heart of our motivation, that aims to:
-coordinate consolidate and support local efforts of parish djakonija (services to community members in need and/or difficulty)
-provode a wide platform for volunteering where everyone feels welcome to give back to the community
-to strengthen the provision for basic needs to those who fall back, with dignity.
LOOP is made up of:
– Il-Kċina ta Marta – operational at the seminary campus in Rabat
– LOOP Laundry – operational at Kalkara Parish
– LOOP Second Hand Clothes Shop in Valletta soon to be opened
– LOOP ON! An educational initiative arm that works on awareness in schools and the community, providing young people and young at heart with experiences and opportunities to give back, whilst also coordinating local efforts in national and international such as the aid efforts towards Ukraine Tirkey and Syria.
All these are operational on a not for profit basis where volunteers do the mammoth part of the job, coordinated by a small number of part time workers.
All proceeds at the end of an operational year pass to a parish djakonija fund, and will be in turn used to finance local initiatives of help and support in the community
Parish djakonija helps 1300 families along the calendar year, run by around 100 clergy and religious and 240 lay volunteers amongst whom professionals form various sectors with whom *we collaborate to make sure that the services provided reach the high standards of pastoral work and those expected from the various social professions*
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*loop.mt* the actual website will follow soon.