Kċina ta Marta is a project that knows its roots in Solidarity meals. At Kċina ta’ Marta we prepare nutritious food to provide for needs in the community and sustain parish djakonija efforts. Although a token fee is charged per portion, all proceeds go toward the *Fond Djakonija Parrocci* a fund that supports parishes around Malta in their work amongst the needy.
Solidarity Meals was an initiative that started during the Covid lockdown, through the support of the Alfred Mizzi Foundation, providing cooked food for people who couldn’t cook for themselves. At its peak a team of 75 volunteers was delivering 850 meals a day all around Malta. On Christmas Day too, Solidarity Meals replaced the meal that Caritas organised at the Archbishop’s Curia in previous years due to covid restrictions whilst on Christmas day 2022 meals were delivered to those who still couldn’t make it to the Christmas meal at the Archbishops Curia. Children’s presents and boxes of Christmas goodies are also delivered to persons referred by parishes whom they deem need reminding of the communities’ closeness to them in the moment of need. Although amounts dropped as the restrictions subsided, the need was still present and to date the Maltese Parishes with the help of the Alfred Mizzi Foundation have been supporting such persons in our communities since.
LOOP Djakonija Parroċċi has now set up Kċina ta’ Marta, to continue providing for those who find themselves in need, whilst providing an opportunity for those who can help to do so. The Alf Mizzi Foundation’s support in all this has been constant and we are proud and honoured to call them our partners in all this. Other benefactors include, farmers who offer their crop, the St Peters Foundation who help out with fish, and different companies and individuals that support the initiative from time to time. LOOP Djakonija Parrocci, through Kcina ta Marta will soon be offering new products and services in it’s scope and offering its services in the community to continue and grow in its mission to support parishes reaching out to their communities. Provision for Community Meals and Dining rooms for the Lonely are amongst the projects in the pipeline.
Of course LOOP Djakonija Parroċċi is the fruit of coordinated efforts of the 70 parishes of the Archdiocese of Malta and the 6 church or religious led community social agencies present in our communities namely: The Millennium Chapel, The St Jeanne Antide Foundation, Fondazzjoni Caritas Malta, Paulo Freire institute, Segretarjat Assistenza Soċjali, and Fondazzjoni Sebħ who are our interlocutors with the individuals and communities we are here to serve.
All the people we help are also provided with professional help as necessary and their situation regularly assessed in order not to make them dependent on the system but rather realise their full potential. In the process in the past years Maltese parishes have been assisting around 1300 families with Food Hampers.
Solidarity Meals
To apply for Solidarity Meals use the form here (if you dont have the password kindly contact [email protected] to gain referrant status)
If you would like to help us with the preparation of meals and other required support kindly fill in form here
Solidarity Meals – How it works
Solidarity meals are provided to beneficiaries that Parish priests their delegates, or other social professionals deem needy. Every case is re-evaluated every 4 months. According to need beneficiaries are provided with a daily meal or the amount of meals that the professional referring deems necessary, normally this would be discussed beforehand with the beneficiary. Solidarity Meals beneficiaries will be provided with a mix of the following portions every week. We suggest a token donation of 1 euro per meal is sourced to support the work of many volunteers towards keeping the service sustainable. The parish or organisation where the beneficiary is a client and is being referred to solidarity meals have the discretion of how to fund this token donation. This can be done through fundraising, organisation funds or even involving beneficiary funds should their limitations not be of a financial nature. Parish Priests will also be able to also ask for help from the Djakonija Parish Fund. Meals are provided on a weekly basis by volunteers take up the task of delivering an agreed number of portions per week on a day and time agreed upon with the beneficiary.
Meal Portions
For allergens see words in Bold Should beneficiaries wish to eliminate one or two elements they need to inform the person delivering their weekly portions.
1. Chicken
Chicken Drumsticks, Couscous (Wheat flour, water), Potatoes, Mixed Veg, Herbs, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper.
2. Penne Bolognese
Penne (Wheat flour, Water), Beef Mince, Tomato Pulp, Carrots, Onions, Herbs, Vegetable Oil, Salt, Pepper.
3. Meat Balls in Sauce
Beef Mince, Tomato Pulp, Vegetable Oil, Onions, Garlic, Potatoes, Carrots, French Beans, Salt, Pepper.
4. Baked Fish
Merluzz, Olive Oil, Wine, Couscous (Wheat flour, Water), Potatoes, Herbs, Sweet Peppers, Cauliflower, Salt, Pepper.
5. Ross il-Forn
Rice, Beef Mince, Tomato Pulp, Tomato Paste, Red Wine, Cheese, Eggs, Herbs, Vegetable Oil, Salt, Pepper
6. Shepherd’s Pie
Beef Mince, Carrots, Peas, Onions, Tomato Pulp, Eggs Potatoes, Vegetable Oil, Herbs, Salt, Pepper
7. Beef Stew
Beef, Onions, Tomato Puree, Beef Stock, Red Wine, Flour (Wheat), Carrots, Peas, Potatoes, Butter, Herbs, Olive Oil
8. Minestra
Cauliflower, Carrots, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Turnip, Onions, Tomato Pulp, Barley, Salt, Pepper
9. Carrot Soup
Carrots, Ginger, Onions, Celery, Cumin, Olive Oil, Butter, Pepper, Salt
10. Curried Chicken Pasta Salad
Farfalle (Wheat Flour, water), Chicken, Onions, Peas, Sweet Corn, Sweet Peppers, Olive Oil, Vinegar, Curry, Sugar, Salt, Pepper
11. Broccoli Soup
Broccoli, Onions, Olive Oil, Butter, Mixed Herbs, Salt, Pepper
12. Vegetarian Pasta
Tortiglioni (Wheat Flour, Water), Aubergines, Tomato Pulp, Onions, Kefalotyri Cheese, Garlic, Salt, Pepper
13. Kusksu
Broad beans, Carrots, Potatoes, Peas, Onions, Kusksu (Wheat Flour, Water), Tomato Puree, Vegetable Stock, Garlic, Salt, Pepper
14. Rice Salad
Rice, Tuna, Peas, Sweet Corn, Olives, Sun Dried, Tomatoes, Olive Oil, Onions, Capers, Salt, Pepper
15. Pork Stew
Pork, Onions, Tomato Puree, Beef Stock, Red Wine, Flour (Wheat), Carrots, Peas, Potatoes, Butter, Herbs, Olive Oil
16. Chicken Curry
Chicken Thighs, Rice, Tomato Pulp, Onions, Peas, Carrots, Curry, Coriander, Paprika, Garlic, Ginger, Cumin, Salt, Pepper
17. Chicken Cacciatore
Chicken Thighs, Tomato Pulp, Rice, Onions, Olives, Capers, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper, Basil, White Wine, Parsley
18. Chicken Indian Style
Chicken Mince, Chickpeas, Breadcrumbs (Wheat Flour Water) Spinach, Onions, Potatoes, Tomato Pulp Yoghurt, Garlic Turmeric, Cumin, Coriander, Ginger Garam Masala, Chili Flakes, Olive Oil, Lemon Juice
Snack Menu
Tuna salad
Chicken salad
Ftira tuna
Ham and cheese baguette
Chicken Baguette
Community Meal Menu
For a community meal one can choose a choice of the following items:
Penne Bolognese
Baked Rice
Beef Stew
Ricotta Pie
Tuna Salad
Ftita Zejt